
Hello. This is my blog.

I’ll write on here about whatever I feel like that I find worth writing about. This could be anything from music, travel, politics, rants or general thought about life and the world.

Feel free to comment on anything that you feel like you have something to say about πŸ™‚ It’s currently not necessary to register to comment, but if you do you don’t have to fill in your details each time, and your comments won’t have to be approved again once you have had one approved, so they would appear quicker πŸ˜‰

A bit about me as well: I’m a Danish computer science currently living in Cambridge, UK. I like to try to think about things, especially the things that a lot of people don’t seem to think about enough … or at least that’s what I tell myself becuase it sounds clever πŸ˜›

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Wayneclunc

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