Author Archives: Svend

Blogging on the move

Standing in the “no priority” queue for the flight to Oslo. We’ve just had breakfast at Franky and Benny’s, so feeling a bit bloated …

This is the first blog I’ve posted using the WordPress app for Android. It’s quite nice 🙂

Have to board now!!

Hidden treasures of the internet

It’s amazing how popular (and awesome) things on the internet can be and then still hidden (or undiscovered) by so many. One of my own new discoveries is “The Lonely Island”. They are a group of three musicians from Berkeley, California. They got known by performing some of their material on Saturday Night Live, and since several of their youtube videos have had over 100,000,000 views! And it’s only after this that I’ve discovered them.

I would give a description of what they do, but it’s too hard to do it justice in word. The originality, outrageousness and silliness is just phenomenal and I can only recommend checking it out! 🙂 … it’s free as well! 🙂

My favourites, I think, though it’s hard to choose, are probably “I’m on a boat”, the “Shy Ronnie” series and maybe “Motherlover”…

My favourite pizza place

Today, we went to London. We do that sometimes. As often as we can 🙂 One of the things we focus most of London trips around is food (and drink). There are so many different kinds of amazing places to eat in London, and even though we’ve hardly scratched the surface yet, we’ve already found some favourites that we keep returning to.

One such is Otto Pizza in Notting Hill. It’s Britain’s first (and as far as I know still only) cornmeal pizza place, started by two guys after they discovered this amazing food on a trip in Oregon. The pizzas are like nothing I’ve ever tried before. The toppings are amazing and the crust is crunchy and tasty. We had this pizza:

It’s the “taster” and includes a selection of six different slices of amazing pizza. If I remember correctly they were: A special salami-meat one (on the plates already), which was lovely and spicy and very tasty, Pepperoni, Sausage, Four Cheese, Pesto and Sweet corn… It wouldn’t be easy (or fair) to pick a favourite, as they were all simply amazing. The specials sounded tempting too, but it seemed this way we got most different tastes of heaven 🙂

To make it all perfect, they also normally serve very nice beer. Today the specials were Flying Dog from Maryland’s “Snake Dog IPA” and The Kernel from London’s “IPA Citra”. It was difficult to choose, so I’m very glad that I didn’t and just had both 🙂 (one at a time, of course)

We also went to one of our favourite chocolate shops, but it’s late now, so that story will have to wait 🙂

Good night!

A Top Five of pubs in Cambridge

Here is a Top 5 of pubs in Cambridge:
(the order is how I like them-ish, though it’s hard to really rank them as they have different qualities)

  1. The Red Lion, Histon
    This is probably my favourite pub in the whole world 🙂 It’s got Tring Blonde on all the time, which is a very nice beer, and also Mighty Oak’s Oscar Wilde which is one of my highest ranked non-Tring non-Welsh beers 😛 (I don’t actually have a beer rank. There’s just too many of them and they’re way too different to rank). The staff is very friendly and the landlord (Mark Donachy) is a real character 🙂 ). Only downside is the lack of food in the evening, but then there’s a pub just next door with nice Thai food (Barley Mow), so it’s easy to just pop over there for tea 🙂 The Red Lion has two beer festivals a year: One at Easter and one at Autumn. During the beer festival more food is available.
  2. Kingston Arms, Kingston Street
    This is one of my “old pubs” that I used to frequent particularly much when I lived on only a couple of minutes walk away. It’s got a very wide selection of real ales, and normally at least a few real ciders as well. It’s got a small quiet garden and very nice food. It’s also a friendly place, and you’re always very welcome to taste all the ales before deciding what to go for 😉
  3. The Cambridge Blue, Gwydir Street
    This is another of my “old regulars” in the same area as The Kingston Arms. It also has a wide real ale selection and a web cam where you can almost see which beers they have on just now (and if there’s a lot of people queuing) 🙂 The food is nice, and there’s a lovely large garden with plenty of benches and view over a stone wall of the pretty, idyllic Mill Road Cemetary.
  4. The Live and Let Live, Mawson Road
    This is a newer discovery for me. Even though it’s in the same area as the previous two, it’s on the other side of Mill Road, which caused it to remain hidden to me until this year (or maybe it was a year ago, but still…). The reason I found it was because I was flicking through the Good Beer Guide looking for pubs in Cambridge with Tring regulars, and apart from The Red Lion, this was the only one. It’s got the Jack O’Legs on regularly, though they sometimes run out. Also, they seem to sometimes be shut at random times, but then fortunately the above two pubs aren’t too far away 😉
  5. The Devonshire Arms, Devonshire Road
    There were many pubs contending for this last spot in the top 5. One of the reasons for this one winning, is that it’s the pub of Cambridge’s only really local brewery, Milton Brewery who brew several lovely brews. It’s got a wide selection of those, but also several other small brewery beers on at all times. It’s one of the newest pubs in Cambridge (only a year and a half old) and it’s very nice. My only regret is that I’ve only been there two or three times, and I don’t even know what the food is like… but there’s still time to change both of those 😉

So, that was my top 5 of Cambridge pubs… I might just post some reviews now and again of other pubs I like, since it’s really not fair to rank them, and I’m not completely sure that the order above means very much…

Enjoy! (Please drink responsively!)


I’m generally against adverts… what does that mean? I don’t like commercial TV channels, and I don’t like the way many products sell well because they have lots of adverts, rather than because they’re good products.

But, I’ve just added adverts to my own website. This might have been research and educational, for work purposes, etc, but in the end I’ve left them on… just to see what would happen 😛 I guess that makes me a hypocrite? 😛

To be fair on myself, I use a lot of websites that are free but have adverts on them, and I don’t really mind that 🙂 So, I guess it’s all ok… and today, with the ease of setting up adverts (for instance using AdSense, in my case), it’s a means for the “common person” to make money off a simple web site, without being Zuckerberg 😛 … although, it’s probably never going to be big money when all you do is write blogs on a wordpress.

It was nice (and almost a surprise) just how easy it was to set up (this is not an advert for AdSense! :P), and now it’s there it seems a shame to remove it… at least until I get a lot of complaints from my many readers 😛 (NOTE: You can register under “Meta” on the right hand side, and then comment on the posts 😉 )

This was just a short one 🙂

Motorists and their view on the road

One thing that really amazes me, is the way motorists often talk about cyclists. It’s happened to me several times, that after telling a motorist that I don’t drive but cycle everywhere, they’ve gone on some crazed rant on how cyclists are the devil’s spawn (normally not in those exact words).

“You don’t pay road tax, and then you’re all over like you own the road” (quote – anonymous) This felt like an accusation against me personally, just after I’d told the guy that I cycle everywhere (when I don’t use public transportation).

I’d understand if he was saying something like “too many cyclists out there drive like crazy and could get themselves killed” … because I’d agree. There are quite a few cyclists who don’t seem to respect the dangers of the road. And some of them don’t just endanger themselves, but their kids as well (I’ve seen several parents (or kidnappers 😛 ) cycle across roads against the lights with a small innocent person on the back. I also say a dad cycling out in front of the traffic (there were actually cars coming that had to stop) with his 6 year old (I guess) daughter in front of him, waving a “thanks for not running her over” to the drivers and telling her “good girl” once they had crossed… no wonder a lot of cyclists don’t understand or respect the traffic rules if they grow up with that!

But that’s not his point. He’s actually complaining about cyclists “filling up the road” and “getting in his way”. This really makes me rage inside, but of course I’m just smiling politely at the old man to then go rant about it here on my blog where he’d probably never read it…

… but that’s OK. He’s a lost cause. I don’t think I’d be able to make him understand how he should be grateful for the fact that some people don’t jam his traffic with more cars. Because, even though this doesn’t seem to be a popular topic, the real problem is obviously that there are way too many cars on the road. This is why it takes longer to drive into town on a weekend or during rush hour, than it does cycling. And it doesn’t only affect drivers; it slows down public transportation as well. Often I’ve been stuck on a bus into town for up to an hour just because of the traffic (it would take at most an hour to walk into town). And the cars driving on the roads aren’t the only problem. They’re parked all over the road as well! In the area we live in most people (like ourselves) have either a garage, a carport or at least an off-road parking space. However, it seems most people have twice as many cars as flats, resulting in cars parked on all the roads in the entire development. And this doesn’t just look ugly, it’s also dangerous, both to us cyclists who can’t see other traffic as easily, but in particular to all the kids in the neighbourhood… most (if not all) of whom’s parents probably drive (two cars).

And if a driver would ever talk about this problem, they would twist it into a “there are too few parking spaces in the area” problem. Which is a popular topic, yes. Complain about the lack of parking spaces and the traffic, but don’t say they shouldn’t be driving two cars! It’s their right! … just like smokers were defending their right to kill everyone else with smoke (until the total smoking ban was passed), drivers are defending their right to kill us with cars. Is that a bit harsh? Maybe. But I don’t think there can be much doubt that if there were fewer cars on the roads, there would be fewer accidents. That just seems like simple maths/statistics 😛 … and surely that would both include drivers and cyclists and therefore benefit all… right?

… I could go on. I’d talk about how drivers (or just people) love myths like those about people being “thrown clear” and surviving an accident only because they weren’t wearing a seat belt … and how we generally just buy whatever ideas we’re told (obviously, the love of driving isn’t something we’ve made up ourselves, it’s come from above (no, not God)), and I’d probably get side tracked and start talking about politics, economics, happiness and all kinds of things… so instead I’ll stop here… should be enough ranting for today 🙂

P.S.: Blogging is really therapy, isn’t it? It’s good to get it out there, even if no one is “listening” 😛 (just like in “Sherlock”)

Beer Festival

Tomorrow is not just Saturday, it’s not just the day after pay day, but it’s beer festival day!

… Of course you could argue that most days (if not all), there’s a beer festival somewhere. But is that important? It’s not as important to me, as the fact that there’s a beer festival tomorrow that I’m going to. That makes all the difference.

Does that make me selfish? I guess it’s natural for someone to look forward to something _they_ are going to do, rather than something other people will do, however much fun they might have. Of course, if it was on TV and I watched how other people were having fun that might make me feel all happy and warm inside. Why is that? I know there are lots of people out there having fun, but if I see it on TV, it makes me happy (even if not as happy as having fun myself). Of course this isn’t news to the world, and it’s been long since the media world discovered how they could make lots of people happy just by showing them how other people were doing just what they wanted to do, be it eating expensive food in a fancy restaurant, travelling to amazing locations, or just having a lovely time. This way they could all be happy in front of the TV (and its adverts) rather than actually go out and experience things themselves. And if something wasn’t as great as they’d hoped they could just change the channel…

Anyway, tomorrow I’m going to a beer festival, and that’s good for me 🙂 And I get to go to somewhere I’ve never been before. That’s always exciting 🙂

Now, this isn’t much of a topic for a blog post… but I felt like writing some… anything… after being “away” for such a long time… and something that isn’t about sandwiches at all 😛

Sandwiches 2010-01-28

Granary Sandwich with
– Sliced Boiled Egg
– Roast Chicken
– Beef
– Pork
– Pastrami
– Pepperoni
– Stilton
– Mozzarella
– Sweetcorn
– Onion
– Basil
– Sun-Blushed Tomatoes
– Branston Pickle

*Phew* That was the last of them. I really have to remember to update these on the day, both to avoid having to do this much hard work to catch up, but also so I can better review them. Today’s sandwich was amazing, tasty and very moist and soft. I finished the last of it about 10 minutes ago, but I can still taste it (in a good way). I really missed the Stilton that I had left out for a long time, but it makes me realise its value and appreciate it more once I’ve been without.

Sandwiches 2010-01-27

Granary Sandwich with
– Sliced Boiled Egg
– Butter
– Poached Salmon
– Smoked Salmon
– Seafood Cocktail
– Crab Mayo
– Prawn Cocktail
– Mozzarella
– Cottage Cheese
– Basil
– Black Olives
– Lemon Mayo

This is by far the largest and probably also the most amazing of the seafood sandwiches so far. It was the first time a seafood sandwich has come in two boxes, and it even filled them out completely 😀 (Have you noticed how all the sandwiches lately have started with Sliced Boiled Egg? This is due to the fact that using the Egg sandwiches as base saves you 20 p $-) )

Sandwiches 2010-01-26

Granary Sandwich with
– Sliced Boiled Egg
– Roast Turkey
– Beef
– Pork
– Pastrami
– Mozzarella
– Spicy Cheese
– Basil
– Onion
– Sun-Blushed Tomatoes
– Branston Pickle

Posting this many at once, makes it hard to write comments of them all. Especially as it’s hard to remember exactly what they were all like 😉